AutoCompact 1.5 - This stack will compact the frontmost stack whenever a certain, user-definable freesize is reached. It also has a range of other features, such as timer compaction.
Hypnosis 2.6 - Hypnosis 2.6 is an absolute MUST for everyone interested in hypnosis. It contains a vast amount of inductions, self-hypnosis inductions and things you can do while in trance.
Script Installer Developer Kit 1.0 - This stack is designed to aid HyperTalk scripters in installing their scripts in other stacks. It creates a new stack which will install whatever script the programmer has created.
ViewFont 1.3 - This stack creates a list of all your fonts and displays them as soon as you click on them. You can define size, style and a test sentence in addition to the ASCII set of characters and a no-box character set.
Window Tools 1.4 - This stack makes HyperCard and windows a bit easier by creating a menu with all open stacks and windows in it and some user-defined stacks.
Welcome to Macintosh 1.1 - This application will play a sound and show a dialog box every time it is launched. It should be placed in the Startup Items folder in the System folder. Note: Probably crashes on a IIVX and a Quadra 650 (of course, there’s nothing wrong in trying... It’s a pretty cool app, you know). Don’t expect any updates (I made it mostly for fun).
Memory Measure 1.2 - This stack will test your memory and give you a rating between 0 and 100. It uses 10 different tests which tests your memory in different ways.
MsgMem 1.0 - Are you tired of re-typing previous messages in the message box? Then MsgMem is for you. What it does is creating a menu that saves all of the commands you enter in the message box. When it reaches a user-definable limit, it will delete the oldest commands.
Memory Measure Fix 1.0 - This is a stack that will fix a problem found in Memory Measure 1.2 that would make you unable to take all the tests.